Turkish Fears

Urgent intervention required: Otherwise we will live to regret it!

By İbrahim Karagül

The terror corridor formed in Syria’s north is a plan to annihilate Turkey. As soon as it is completed, the Turkey front will be opened, an area spanning hundreds of kilometers will be activated for clashes. Once the zone spanning the Iranian border and Mediterranean is completed, the new map prepared for Turkey will be put into play.

Until today, a map was drafted before our very eyes. Excuses were made, those excuses were used as a camouflage, and terrorist organizations were moved to the locations specified on the map. We were blinded with the fight against Daesh, and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) was moved to those areas. A terror corridor, a passageway to siege Turkey was applied step by step.

The Euphrates Shield and aftermath: They always kept Turkey occupied

All of the plots implemented from the northern Iraqi border to the Mediterranean coast were planned around keeping Turkey occupied, tricking and fooling the country.

They set up such a game in Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) that they even sacrificed the Turkish public for this ploy. They activated and used even the journalists and writers close to the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) for this game and tricked our people.

The U.S. personally made promises to Turkey in Manbij, and agreements were made between the allies. The U.S. abided by none, making a fool of Turkey, and handed Manbij over to the PKK. Step by step, the map reached the West, the Mediterranean. I’m not even mentioning the other regions; those were not even discussed; they gave them directly to the PKK.

Turkey intervened in the area only with the Euphrates Shield operation. That intervention was the most critical geopolitical one after the Cyprus operation. In that war, we were apparently fighting Daesh, but in the background we fought the PKK’s Syrian franchise, the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and the U.S.

For some reason, we stopped there, we were forced to stop. We could move no longer.

The US will strike Idlib, hand it over to PKK, complete the map

Now the game’s last phase is being played out. The “de-escalation zone” formed in Idlib with an agreement between Turkey, Russia and Iran, has become the open target for the U.S. They are preparing to intervene there. Why?

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The same game played in Raqqa and other regions is being played there. There was Daesh; that was the excuse, this is how the world was being deceived and the invasion quietly progressed under this guise. Now, the excuse that there is al-Qaida and al-Nusra in Idlib is being presented. Because Daesh is not there, so this excuse becomes invalid.

Using al-Qaida as an excuse, they are going to strike Idlib, move the PKK there, completing the final stage of the map. A corridor spanning the Iranian border and the Mediterranean will be implemented and completed through the PKK.

Next they will say ‘Get out of Jarabulus, al-Bab’

Immediately after, with a new scenario, they are going to tell Turkey to “Get out of al-Bab, get out of Jarablus.” We are going to be taken out of the safe area we created through the Euphrates Shield.

Unless we overcome the dastardly scenario in Idlib, we are going to leave all the areas we entered through the Euphrates Shield. We will not have the chance to resist this.

Those who brought the PKK all the way to the Mediterranean shores, thus, will not only form a terror corridor, but will also divide Syria, take hostage and control all of Turkey’s ties in the south, and rip apart the region. The same scenario is going to set an example and be applied in many other areas in our region and turn into a new map and division model.

This would be a terrifying blindness

However, the Turkey chapter is the direst of all. We are facing the most dangerous destruction, division, siege operation, since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire leading to the founding of the Republic of Turkey.

Those who fail to grasp this also fail to understand or see the power struggle throughout the region, and the new map drafts being formed for almost all countries. It means they have no prediction about today and the future. This would be a terrifying blindness. This would indicate the inability to see the disaster that will arrive in a few years.

However, I have a different concern. The reason we were unable to move in the region throughout the Syrian war was the Fetullah Terror Organization’s (FETÖ) soldiers and commanders positioned along the border. Acting in cooperation with the U.S., they left Turkey helpless, disabling its movement. We grasped this fact after the July 15, 2016 coup attempt.

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Who was FETÖ replaced by, who is keeping Turkey occupied?

Strangely, I have a strong feeling that something similar to keeping Turkey occupied is going on. I have strong suspicions that  circles cooperating with the U.S., that have secret, indirect partnerships with the PKK/PYD are keeping Turkey occupied, gaining time for the U.S. and PKK. Because it is obvious that the U.S.’s most effective policy in this regard is aimed at keeping Turkey occupied.

Who were the FETÖ circles replaced by? Are there lobbies, cryptic PYD circles for this purpose, and if so, who are they? Never forget that every project in the region certainly has a leg in Turkey.

We are being besieged step by step

Why are we so worried?

Because this issue is no terror issue. The issue is not only an issue of “Who will be more effective in Syria?” A graver peril that includes Turkey is in question.

We are being besieged step by step. Once that corridor is completed, Turkey will no longer have any ties or connections to the Arab/Muslim world. Our southern borders will be completely sealed off and a front line hundreds of kilometers long will have been established in the future to open the “Turkey front.”

Lone country, hostage country

A Turkey with no ties left to the Arabs, a Turkey that will be dragged into endless wars with the Kurds because of the corridor or the map in question, once it is dragged into disputes with Iran as well, will be isolated from the entire region.

Then, there will be nothing left but a hostage country in the hands of the U.S. and Europe. This is how the process of Turkey’s collapse will be initiated, once it is completely isolated. At least, this is the idea, this is the plan.

Let’s think once more on the anniversary of Sevres

History is filled with examples of nations losing centuries because of minor neglects, lack of foresight and laziness. But this is not how we read into political history. We are a nation that knows what step will lead where, which intervention will effect Turkey’s future, and how to shape the region’s power map.

We see, grasp and understand this today too. The only things we need to be careful about are the internal and external obstructions, the distractions, the fraudulent reasons and suggestions placed in front of us aimed at rendering us inactive. By taking all these into account, we need to understand the severity of the danger.

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If we do not do this, if we neglect it, if we get caught up in anxiousness, we too will have contributed to the future of our country, to our nation being taken hostage. This week was the anniversary of Sevres, the destruction of that map, that agreement. Let us find the chance, at least for this, to read into what is happening in our south, what we experienced during and post-World War I.

Tomorrow, for sure, that war is going to be spread into Anatolia

There won’t be much left to do once the U.S.’s Idlib scenario is realized. Both the map and the corridor will have been completed. From that moment onward, action will be taken for the map’s Turkey leg. Our reason to prevent war today is going to form the ground to carry that war into Anatolia in the future. We are going to have to do what we are not doing beyond our borders today, inside our country in the future.

Once the Idlib scenario is completed, the internal political fluctuations and also the activity in our south are going to be designed to make Turkey’s new map a reality.

Because the major target is Turkey

Everybody who has been thinking about our centuries-old political history since the Seljuks, about what we have experienced in the nearby region for a century, about what has been happening in Iraq and Syria for the last three decades, will see that the real front is Turkey, that interfering in the new map activities is a historic responsibility, that it is directly tied to the future of this country and nation.

If we don’t do something today, we will regret it tomorrow.