Trump to his campaign financiers: “If it were up to me I would bomb Moscow and Beijing”

According to the “Washington Post” newspaper, the alleged statements of the former US president are aimed at obtaining contributions from the main financiers of the Republican Party

The former president of the United States, Donald Trump, told his supporters that if he were in the White House he would react to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, or the scenario of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, by “bombing Moscow and Beijing.” This was stated by sources quoted by the “Washington Post” newspaper, according to which during closed-door events reserved for the financiers of his election campaign, Trump indulges in comments that often “surprise his supporters”, especially in the field of foreign policy.

The newspaper characterizes the former president’s alleged statements as campaign promises aimed at obtaining contributions from the main donors of the Republican Party. According to rumors circulating in recent weeks, if re-elected to the White House, Trump would also like to extract from his NATO allies the commitment to allocate 3 percent of gross domestic product to defense.

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