22 Novembre 2011
Le philosophe français Bernard Henri Levy, qui y est pour beaucoup dans la décision de Nicolas Sarkozy de s’engager militairement en Libye...
Since 1948, Israel has annexed, occupied, taken, destroyed, built, and renamed everything from individual homes and property to public spaces, to historic monuments. And...
By Rod Such
22 June 2020
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi, Metropolitan Books (2020)
28 June 2020
U.K. Black Lives Matter tweets sparked outrage among senior British Jewish figures.
The Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) in the United Kingdom (UK) said Sunday...
Israel Prize winner claimed for decades that Israeli democracy was eroding; was a controversial figure, called settlements ‘cancer’ and was injured in pipe bomb...
Hatem Bazian says Israel has lost standing in the university setting and broader civil society due to its violations of human rights and international...
by Lawrence Davidson
June 10, 2020
In 2012 the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on a poll suggesting that at least one-third of Israelis would consider emigrating abroad if the...