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Julian Assange is a political prisoner.
Since 2010, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have produced an unprecedented body of journalistic publications, unveiling war...
Par Monika Karbowska
J’ai repris le chemin outre- Manche pour assister au « Final administrative hearing » de Julian Assange à la Westminster Magistrate Court jeudi 13...
To the Most Reverend Justin Welby,
Archbishop of Canterbury
We the undersigned respectfully call on the moral authorities of the United Kingdom to use their influence...
By Cassandra Fairbanks,
investigative journalist and freedom of speech activist.
Follow Cassandra at @CassandraRules
13 Mar, 2020
fter nearly a year in jail for refusing to participate in...
Activist and whistleblower Chelsea Manning attempted to kill herself Wednesday, her legal team said in a news release.
The statement came only a...
By Stephen Frost, Lissa Johnson
Jill Stein, William Frost
on behalf of 117 signatories
February 17, 2020
On Nov 22, 2019, we, a group of more than 60...