by Demond Cureton
May 19, 2020
US threats to end funding to the world's top health administration were based on "serious and damaging" misinformation, harming international...
Димитрис Константакопулос
Как это обычно бывает в кризисные времена, «ленинцы рыночной системы» могут попытаться использовать шоковую ситуацию для продвижения своей повестки дня. Они знают, что...
Sous-financée, dépendante de donateurs privés dont Bill Gates, l’OMS peut-elle encore assurer ses missions au service de la santé publique ? Une solide investigation...
Published by Valdai Discussion Club
It is clear that we are entering worldwide an era of very grave social, political and international conflicts and we...
Trump halts funding to World Health Organization
President Donald Trump announced Tuesday night that he is halting funding to the World Health...
By Berkeley Lovelace Jr., Noah Higgins-Dunn, William Feuer
Mar 16 2020
The World Health Organization is considering “airborne precautions” for medical staff after a new study...
Experts predict fastest-spreading cholera epidemic since records began will affect at least 1 million people by turn of year, including at least 600,000 children
By Peter Koenig
Is it coincidence that Berlin approves and even recommends the ‘hostile’ takeover of Monsanto by the German agro-and pharma giant, Bayer? –...