Wednesday, 12 March , 2025


Israel’s alliance with Europe’s fascists

The marriage between the Israeli government and European parties that demonise Muslims in the same way the far-right groups nurtured hatred for the Jews is...

Yes, Italy’s new prime minister is really a fascist: The old-fashioned...

By Marina Catucci Sep 29, 2022 BOLOGNA, Italy — The first woman to hold the office of prime minister in Italy is a fascist. This is...

EU Recovery Fund, Next Generation EU: Who shall benefit? | By...

As a follow up to the joint proposal of Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron on creating an EU Recovery Fund...

Espagne, France, Italie…les coutures de l’appareil politique se déchirent

May 6, 2020 Par Nuevo Curso.Traduit de l’Espagnole et commenté par:  les 7 du quebec This article is available in 5 languages on this webmagazine: 6.05.2020-nuevo-English-Italiano This article...

Spain, France, Italy… the seams of the political apparatus are tearing

Translated and commented by Robert Bibeau, Publisher of the webmagazine On: The bickering among the thuriferous The seams of the political apparatus of European countries...

Espagne: quel score va faire l’extrême droite?

Demain, les Espagnols n'auront que trois lettres en tête : "Vox". Le parti d'extrême droite pourrait doubler le nombre de ses sièges aux élections...

Spain’s socialists regaining ground as rising right-wing party bites off chunk...

28 Apr, 2019 Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez’ socialist party PSOE is set to come out on top in Sunday’s elections, but it’ll have to form...