Donald Trump’s state visit to Britain put on hold
Donald Trump has told Theresa May in a phone call he does not want to go ahead with a state visit to Britain until...
Macron: An American Trojan horse in the Elysee Palace
The new French president, Emmanuel Macron, who was thrust into the French presidential race as a pro-European Union counterweight to prevent the election...
Présidentielle: Alain Finkielkraut, Régis Debray et la géopolitique
Dans l'autre débat d'entre-deux-tours, Alain Finkielkraut et Régis Debray, deux brillants esprits, s'affrontent pour L'Express sur la géopolitique.
Dans Civilisation, Régis Debray convoque un géopoliticien...
CIA’s annual covert “aid” to Italy
CIA Covert Aid to Italy Averaged $5 Million Annually from Late 1940s to Early 1960s, Study Finds
Previously Unpublished Draft Defense Department History Explores U.S....
Mama Mia. After the Germans, now Americans want to save Greece!
Ted Malloch the prospective US Ambassador to the EU has nothing else to do now than appearing to one TV station after another in Greece, suggesting to...
Soros, Clinton and Albania
An email leaked by WikiLeaks reveals that when Hillary Clinton was US secretary of state in 2011, billionaire George Soros instructed her on how to handle unrest in Albania, stressing it “needs urgent attention at senior levels of the US government.” “Dear Hillary,” begins the email dated January 24, 2011 from the founder of Open Society Foundations, Soros.
French Bashing (comme … Greek Bashing!)
Les étrangers nous expliquent pourquoi ils detestent les français - documentaire en français
Sanders: British voted against the way world economy is working
By S.A. Miller
Democratic presidential contender Sen. Bernard Sanders said Friday that the British vote to exit the European Union showed that the “global economy isn’t working for...
Οbama defends TTIP, Europeans revolt against it!
Speaking in Germany today, President Obama has strongly defended the TTIP, the new important tool of multinationals' power over societies, asking for the treaty...
Obama and Clinton against Brexit
By Toluse Olorunnipa
President Barack Obama leaned in further on his warning to the British electorate against embracing a so-called Brexit from the European Union,...