Sunday, 22 December , 2024

US deep state

Trump, Soros and the plan to invade Venezuela: Opponents or two...

Trump’s Regime Change: Soros-style Wayne Madsen 05.07.2018 To listen to Donald Trump and his supporters, billionaire international hedge fund mogul George Soros was an inherent part of...

Google and the Building of a Totalitarian Empire

Google: Search Engine or Deep State Organ? By Michael Krieger Today’s post should be read as Part 3 of my ongoing series about the now...

Google – Un simple moteur de recherche ou un membre de...

Par Michael Krieger Le 9 aout 2017 Source Liberty Blitzkrieg Ce texte doit être lu comme la  troisième partie de ma série en cours sur le fameux...

Ron Paul on Trump, deep state, the war against Terror

With the surprise election of Donald Trump, can we expect an equally surprising foreign policy from him? During the campaign he provided us with a glimpse of his thinking. Will there be a Trump Doctrine?! RT'S PETER LAVELLE INTERVIEWS DR. RON PAUL

Controlled by shadow government

Mike Lofgren, author of “The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government,”, in an interview with "Salon"...