Saturday, 22 February , 2025

US Army

Trump, a criminal President and his criminal soldiers

Trump Clears Three Service Members in War Crimes Cases The moves signaled that as commander in chief, Mr. Trump intends to use his power as...

Retired general: Military won’t ‘blindly’ follow Trump’s nuclear strike orders

by Joel Gehrke Nov 14, 2017 U.S. military officers won’t “blindly” follow a hypothetical presidential order to launch a nuclear strike, a retired general told lawmakers...

Google and the Building of a Totalitarian Empire

Google: Search Engine or Deep State Organ? By Michael Krieger Today’s post should be read as Part 3 of my ongoing series about the now...

Google – Un simple moteur de recherche ou un membre de...

Par Michael Krieger Le 9 aout 2017 Source Liberty Blitzkrieg Ce texte doit être lu comme la  troisième partie de ma série en cours sur le fameux...

War Planning for Korea

US military declares “time is running out” before war with North Korea By James Cogan 28/7/2017 Ominous statements over the past 48 hours by top American military...

A terrible warning from US Generals

Any future war with Russia or China would be "extremely lethal and fast" and produce violence on the scale not seen for 60 years, according to US generals. Artificial intelligence and automated weapons systems will accelerate any future conflict, Major General William Hix has warned.