Saturday, 1 March , 2025


Planetary boundaries

Planetary boundaries is a concept involving Earth system processes which contain environmental boundaries, proposed in 2009 by a group of Earth system and environmental...

Trump, the criminal President of a criminal power. He attacks now...

Trump halts funding to World Health Organization By ALICE MIRANDA OLLSTEIN 04/14/2020 President Donald Trump announced Tuesday night that he is halting funding to the World Health...

A (draft) global call – input sought

*A (draft) global call from Palestine Action for the Planet* By Mazin Qumsiyeh World War II transformed our planet in ways not foreseen before including creating...

UN Secretary-General calls for lifting economic sanctions against countries amid COVID-19...

by César Torres on 27/03/2020 Minister of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs Jorge Arreaza celebrated on Friday, March 27, that UN Secretary-General António Guterres advocated the...

Sri Lanka cardinal seeks UN probe on China’s Coronavirus

March 15, 2020 The head of Sri Lanka’s Roman Catholic Church Sunday alleged that the highly contagious Coronavirus may be man-made and wanted those responsible...

L’OCDE, ce cadre bien peu inclusif pour réformer la fiscalité internationale

17 févr. 2020 Construit sur les pratiques impériales, le régime fiscal international a toujours été contraire aux intérêts des pays en développement. L'orientation des réformes...

By denying Iran’s foreign minister visa for Security Council visit, America...

By Dr. George Szamuely, Senior Research Fellow at the Global Policy Institute and author of Bombs for Peace: NATO's Humanitarian War on Yugoslavia 7 Jan, 2020 US officials have...

‘US is torturing Chelsea Manning’: Top UN official says her treatment...

31 Dec, 2019 Chelsea Manning is being subjected to cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment, constituting torture by the US government over her refusal to testify...

Envoy: US Sanctions Targeting Most Vulnerable People in Iran

Dec 19, 2019 TEHRAN (FNA)- The US sanctions and economic terrorism against Iran have directly targeted the vulnerable people in the country, including special-case patients,...

UN report on Syria shows scale of humanitarian tragedy

By Nurettin Kurt Dec. 3, 2019 Reading about the thousands of innocent people dying as a result of aerial bombardments, and the tens of thousands of...