Monday, 31 March , 2025


European Care for the Elderly 2016

May 11, 2016 Michael Hudson, Speech to SANICADEMIA, May 10, 2016 in Villach, Austria for the 5th International Congress on Geriatrics and Gerontology = 59th...

L’opération “Détruire les Grecs” Chapitre II: Chypre

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Global Research, 03 juillet 2017 Un coup d'État juridique et politique international se déroule de nos jours avec l'aide et la coopération de...

The “Destroy Greeks” operation: Chapter II (Cyprus)

An international legal and political coup d’état is taking place these days, with the help and co-operation of the European Commission, against yet another...

CLAIM: Trump Plans to Resurrect TTIP, Put EU Before Britain in...

U.S. President Donald Trump is pushing Britain behind the European Union in the queue to strike new trade deal, unnamed sources have told The...

The consequences of the EU’s international trade agreements for the European...

By George Emmanuel Member of the Co-ordinating Committee of the Panhelladic Initiative of Organizations and Citizens against TTIP, CETA, TISA.   In the European Commission’s 2016 report...

The Liberation of the Slaves

Donald Trump’s electoral victory unleashed pent-up tectonic energies on the unprecedented scale. The world has been changed, much more than could be expected from any election of a US president. Just a short time has passed since election day, but it appears that the New World Order has received a shattering blow. There is a great feeling of freedom in the air, as if the vote broke the chains of a generation, and we suddenly found ourselves free.

TTIP: conquest by stealth or plunder, American style

WHEN a pickpocket has designs on your wallet, he devises some clever way to distract your attention. A prime example of this is the Canada-EU Trade Agreement (CETA) recently signed in Brussels and now presumably to be referred to all EU countries for a ratification that is assumed to be virtually automatic. What harm can there be in a trade agreement with good

Update 2016: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

The resistance against TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, is alive and kicking. While national leaders of the interested parties like Obama and Merkel are trying to revive the negotiations, wishing to finalise them, people are organising protest in many places to mark their disagreement.

People power is ending free-trade deals

The corporations and political elites that have been steering free-trade deals for many years are finding they are losing control. Strong public resistance and opposition from national and regional governments in Europe are throwing the controversial TTIP and CETA trade deals off track.

Wallonia resists EU, defends Justice and Democracy in all Europe

The opposition to CETA and TTIP has been unprecedented in the history of the EU. Concerns have been expressed by millions of people across the continent, including lawyers, academics, political parties, local authorities and virtually all sectors of civil society. Many governments have also expressed reservations on CETA. Only the Walloons, however, had the guts to show it the red card.