Saturday, 18 January , 2025

Trump Donald

The Rise of a Genuine Left in Britain, its implications for...

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos   The other day a friend almost told me off when I said I don’t exclude even an election win for Corbyn, but...

The Saudi offensive against Qatar and the global intensification of geopolitical...

Backed by Egypt and its closest Gulf State allies, Saudi Arabia has launched a diplomatic and economic offensive against Qatar, a tiny, energy-rich neighbor....

Trump takes credit for Qatar’s rift with Saudi Arabia as American...

Donald Trump sees a powder keg in the Middle East and decides to light some candles By Sophia Tesfaye While Donald Trump fired all U.S. ambassadors...

The Five Blinding Myths About Iran

Exclusive: President Trump lines up with the Washington Establishment on at least one point: that Iran is the chief source of terrorism. The only...

Il faux une coalition pour contenir l’ Empire Americaine. Mélenchon sur...

Dans ce 30e numéro de la Revue de la semaine, Jean-Luc Mélenchon revient sur la manière dont est traité Emmanuel Macron dans les médias...

Trump preparing for war with Iran

Sat, 06/03/2017 If you liked the most recent Iraq war, you'll absolutely love war with Iran. Make no mistake, war with Iran will be an epic...

US anti-Trump protesters facing decades behind bars

More than 200 anti-Trump protesters are facing felony charges that could land some in prison for 70 to 80 years. By Patrick Strickland When Olivia Alsip...

Mélenchon sur l’ ecologie, l’ OTAN et le Moyen Orient

Dans ce 29e numéro de la Revue de la semaine, Jean-Luc Mélenchon se félicite du résultat du référendum sur la sortie du nucléaire en...

Billionaire Koch brothers lurk behind Trump Paris deal pull-out, but endgame...

Trump’s highly controversial decision to leave the Paris Climate Agreement was well-telegraphed throughout his campaign, but speculation that his one-time detractors the billionaire business...

USA – the most dangerous Power in human History

President Trump announced Thursday afternoon that he is withdrawing the United States from the landmark Paris climate agreement, an extraordinary move that dismayed America’s...