Trump Donald
Trump, Flynn and the anti-Islam” Lobby
Flynn had advised Trump through his campaign and was once considered a potential running mate. The retired Army lieutenant general served as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the service that specializes in providing intelligence to the military until he was forced out in 2014 after reported leadership clashes.
Once Upon a Time in America, by Boris Kagarlitsky
Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election in the US, unexpected by the majority of political commentators, initially caused a shock followed by a wave of comments. These comments reflect the bewilderment of the experts and ideologues in the face of the new reality, the meaning which they refuse to understand.
Will Turkey Present Trump with a Fait Accompli in Syria?
Just days after the U.S. presidential election, newspapers allied with the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) published stories alleging that elements of the U.S. government would conspire to prevent Donald Trump from governing. Trump, the consensus in the pro-government media held, was a better choice for Turkey: As a billionaire who is outside of the Washington mainstream, he is above influence from members of the Gulen Movement, some of whom gave money to Hillary Clinton’s super-PAC.
Battle brews over Trump’s foreign policy
These libertarians, isolationists and realists see an opportunity to pull back America's commitments around the world, spend less money on foreign aid and “nation-building,” curtail expensive military campaigns and troop deployments and intervene militarily only to protect American interests.
New CIA director threatens Iran
Mike Pompeo, named Friday by President-elect Donald Trump to lead the Central Intelligence Agency, tweeted on Thursday that he was looking forward to “rolling...
Following the release, earlier this week, of testimony filed in a federal lawsuit against Trump University, the United States is facing a high-stakes social-science experiment. Will one of the world’s leading democracies elect as its President a businessman who founded and operated a for-profit learning annex that some of its own employees regarded as a giant
Cyprus Greens, clandestine spraying and the new situation in the US
The Cyprus Greens are the only Green party in the world to have taken seriously, and taken up, at leadership level, the issue of the clandestine global chemical spraying that is dismissed by the political system and the mainstream media as “chemtrails conspiracy theory”. The story of the campaign in Greece and Cyprus that culminated in last year’s
Etats-Unis : pourquoi Donald Trump mise tout sur la finance dérégulée
En faisant de la dérégulation financière et de son complément les baisses d'impôts sa priorité, le nouveau président des Etats-Unis veut doper rapidement la croissance. Mais c'est un jeu risqué qui pourrait préparer la prochaine crise en oubliant de régler les questions essentielles des inégalités sociales et territoriales et de la baisse de la productivité.
Syrian fighting intensifies
Syrian fighters and helicopters carried out airstrikes against eastern Aleppo, where Russia had maintained a suspension of all air operations for the past month. Russia, meanwhile, confirmed that it had conducted bombing runs and missile strikes for the first time from the war fleet it has positioned off the Syrian coast in the eastern Mediterranean. The Russian Defense Ministry said that its forces had hit ISIS and the Al Qaeda-affiliated Al Nusra Front in the countryside of Idlib and Hama.
Will Trump see eye to eye with Erdogan’s plans in Iraq,...
This sudden, unplanned visit led some to wonder if there was a rupture between Ankara’s strategic thinking on Iraq and Syria and the United States’ goals in the region. This article will attempt to analyze the factors that prompted the Dunford visit and scenarios of what Ankara may have in mind.