Trump Donald
A more dangerous world is probably coming after the US election!
80% of the population of the USA do not trust and do not appreciate either of the two candidates. The strongest argument for voting Trump is not so much what he says as opposition to Clinton being elected. And the main argument for voting Clinton is not to have Trump elected!
After 9/11, Americans became a bit nervous, but continued to be confident in the ultimate goodness of their country. Few were the voices saying ‘They hate us because we make war on their countries’, most preferring to believe President Bush’s claim that Muslims hate us because of our freedom.
The Republicans and Democrats failed blue-collar America. The left behind are...
As industry and the Democrats abandoned the working and middle classes, Republicans posed as their protectors. But can either Trump or Clinton really restore hope to the many Americans who think the country no longer works for them? It is inversion time in America as the people formerly known as the happy middle class rally
American Irrationalism
October 31, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "Truth Dig" - There is no shortage of signs of impending environmental catastrophe, including the melting of the polar ice caps and the rise of atmospheric carbon to above 400 parts per million. The earth’s sixth mass extinction is underway. It is not taking place because of planetary forces. Homo sapiens is orchestrating it. Americans are at the same time
Trump on Cuba
The US government must fight to preserve political, economic and religious freedoms wherever they are threatened in the Western Hemisphere, including in Cuba, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told a rally in the US state of Florida.
Trump and Antisemitism
Both US presidential candidates have proclaimed the strong relationship with Israel should continue to be the cornerstone of US policy in the Middle East. Both seem sometimes struggling for Israel's favor as much as they struggle for American voters' favor. And both have strong family ties with Israel. Here two interesting articles on Trump and Antisemitism
Inside The Invisible Government: War, Propaganda, CLINTON & TRUMP
Some may remember in 2003 a succession of BBC reporters turning to the camera and telling us that Blair was "vindicated" for what turned out to be the crime of the century. The US television networks produced the same validation for George W. Bush. Fox News brought on Henry Kissinger to effuse over Colin Powell's fabrications.
Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is...
The emails currently roiling the US presidential campaign are part of some unknown digital collection amassed by the troublesome Anthony Weiner, but if your purpose is to understand the clique of people who dominate Washington today, the emails that really matter are the ones being slowly released by WikiLeaks from the hacked account of Hillary Clinton’s
On US elections
Donald Trump has grabbed headlines by claiming Hillary Clinton’s email fiasco is “worse than Watergate.” To the horror of liberal America, Trump promised in the second debate that Clinton will “be in jail” for her emails if he becomes president. These are the kinds of polemics that capture journalists’ attention, but they aren’t very helpful for those looking for
Τrump on Israel and the Middle East
It comes in the final frantic days of an election in which Orthodox Jewish votes may be critical in Ohio and Florida, and where anecdotal evidence suggests that charges of sexual assault against Trump have diminished support for him among that naturally Republican constituency. Both campaigns have targeted Jewish voters in battleground states, with a