Monday, 24 February , 2025

Trump Donald

Trump, Russia and China – a reverse of the Nixon game?

Could it be that, almost 45 years after Nixon’s breakthrough with China, the United States’ 45th president will be taking Kissinger’s advice? President Obama tried to make a “pivot” to Asia the capstone of his foreign policy. Will Donald Trump make a “pivot” toward Moscow, and away from Beijing, a capstone of his?

“Give Us the Names”: Strange Days at the Department of Energy

Rick Perry has been nominated to run an agency he wants to erase. Yes, this happened. One does not know whether to laugh or cry. Mr. Trump looked over Perry's résumé, realized George W. Bush and that big rock in the park had other commitments, and tapped him to run an agency responsible for a bunch of stuff that could kill us all in an afternoon. More than that, Perry is an avowed climate denier and a fossil fuel devotee, so all the vital alternative energy research currently underway at the Energy Department is about to go swirling down the drain.

Netanyahu for Trump, Trump for Netanyahu

President-elect Donald Trump has said that he will nominate bankruptcy attorney David Friedman as US ambassador to Israel, and Friedman said he looked forward to taking up his post in Jerusalem, implying a move from Tel Aviv that would mark a break in longstanding US foreign policy and anger the Muslim world.

The US media’s neo-McCarthyite campaign for war against Russia

The American population is being subjected to a furious barrage of propaganda by the media and political establishment aimed at paving the way to war. The campaign was sharply escalated this week, beginning with Wednesday’s publication of a lead article in the New York Times. Based entirely on unnamed sources and flimsy and concocted evidence, it was presented as definitive proof of Russia’s hacking of Democratic Party emails and waging of “cyberwar” against the United States.

With Obama out, Netanyahu wants Iran

Speaking in a wide-ranging interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes set to be broadcast later Sunday, Netanyahu said it was not too late to undo the deal that was the landmark foreign policy achievement of President Barack Obama, noting that he would present Trump with five alternatives to the accord.

Top Democrats attack Trump

The push to delegitimize the election results continued after a trio of top Senate Democrats called for a nonpartisan commission to investigate allegations that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election. Sens. Ben Cardin (Md.), Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) and Patrick Leahy (Vt.), the top Democrats on the Foreign Relations, Intelligence and Judiciary committees, back the creation an independent commission with 18 months to report its findings The Hill reports.

Trump threatens China (and appoints two Secretaries of State)

Alex Jones believes that the CIA is going to kill Trump. Nobody can be sure about CIA. The problem with Jones is that hardly anybody can share his appreciation of Trump as a "revolutionary", especially in the light of the President elect appointing Goldman Sachs, Rotchilds and Exxon in his cabinet to run directly the United States of America

Corbyn on NATO, Trump, Globalization and the Left

Jeremy Corbyn has suggested he is in favour of reducing Nato’s presence on eastern Europe’s borders with Russia and said it was clear the US president-elect, Donald Trump, believed he could improve relations with Vladimir Putin.

Steve Bannon and his ideas

The liberal firewall against Trump was, most of all, the belief that the Republican contender was too disorganized, outlandish, outré and lacking in nuance to run a proper political campaign. That view was only confirmed when Bannon, editor of the outlandish and outré Breitbart News Network, took over the campaign in August. Now Bannon is arguably the most powerful person on the new White House team, embodying more than anyone the liberals' awful existential pain and fury: How did someone so wrong — not just wrong, but inappropriate, unfit and "loathsome," according to The New York Times — get it so spot-on right?

The Election of Donald Trump      

The recent election of Donald Trump after Brexit, the rise of fascist votes in Europe, but also and much better, Syriza's electoral victory and the rise of Podemos are all manifestations of the depth of the crisis of the system of globalized neoliberalism. This system, which I have always considered unsustainable, implodes before our eyes in its very heart. All attempts to save the system - to avoid the worst - by minor adjustments are doomed to failure.