Monday, 31 March , 2025

Toussaint Eric

The Browning of Europe

by Eric Toussaint July 1, 2024 How should we interpret the results of the EU parliamentary elections? In Croatia the voter turnout was only 21.35% The first observation:...

Lapavitsas, Varoufakis and the suffering of the Greek people

Kostas Lapavitsas is a Greek economist working in the SOAS, the British University specialized in the old "colonies". During the whole Greek crisis he...

Globalization from Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama and Ferdinand Magellan until...

 by Éric Toussaint Jan 4, 2022 In this study, Éric Toussaint covers the period from the 15th to the 21st century, focusing on the dramatic effects...

Grèce 2015: Varoufakis, adulte et responsable ou complice du capital ?...

Grèce 2015: Varoufakis, adulte et responsable ou complice du capital ? Le livre d'Eric Toussaint. Oct. 3, 2021 We remind our readers that publication of articles on...

Michel Husson: an activist in the economy and an economist who...

by Eric Toussaint 22 July 2021 Michel Husson’s decease will leave many comrades all over the world with a deep sense of loss and bereavement. Michel...

Michel Husson : derrière l’économiste, l’homme

par Jean-Marie Harribey 20 juillet 2021 Michel Husson nous a quittés. La nouvelle nous laisse sans voix. Faut-il rendre d’abord hommage à l’économiste hors pair qu’il...

In memory of Patrice Lumumba, assassinated on 17 January 1961

In memory of Patrice Lumumba, assassinated on 17 January 1961 by Eric Toussaint 17 January 2021 On 17 January 2021, we commemorate the 60th anniversary of the...

A country is entitled to refuse to repay a debt

by Eric Toussaint , Revista Mugica 26 November The following interview, given by Éric Toussaint to the Argentine review Mugica, has been adapted to make...

The World Bank, the IMF and the respect of human rights

by Eric Toussaint 25 October 2020 “When I came to the Bank, we were not allowed to mention the word ‘corruption’. It was called the “c”...

Pourquoi l’annulation de la dette allemande de 1953 n’est pas reproductible...

par Eric Toussaint Mar. 27, 2018 En 2019, la Banque mondiale (BM) et le FMI atteignent l’âge de 75 ans. Ces deux institutions financières internationales (IFI), créées...