Democracy and War on Islam and Terror – a warning from...
The colossal hypocrisy of Obama’s speech, and the absurdity of his pose as the defender of “the rule of law” and democratic rights, are underscored by reference to the Nuremberg Tribunals. What Obama did not mention is the declaration of the chief prosecutor at the tribunal, US Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson, that the basic crime alleged against the accused Nazi leaders was the planning and execution of a war of aggression, from which, Jackson said, all the other war crimes flowed. By this standard, the top officials of the Obama administration, including Obama himself, deserve to be hauled before a new tribunal to face war crimes charges.
Obama extends global reach of US Special Operations death squads
Obama has approved a proposal to give JSOC independent authority to operate outside the regional commands, essentially as a globalized assassination force. JSOC units will bypass the regional commanders and report directly to Special Operations Command (SOCOM) in the Pentagon.
Trump’s Team Will Start New Wars in the Middle East
Blood-curdling proposals for the persecution of Muslims played a central role in Trump’s election campaign. At one moment, he promised to stop all Muslims from entering the US, though this was later changed to “extreme vetting”. The use of torture by water-boarding was approved and applauded, and Hillary Clinton was pilloried for not speaking of “radical Islamic terrorism”.
Αrchbishop of Canterbury: You turned Greece into the “biggest debtor’s prison...
The weight has fallen on those least able to survive, and when their own suffering was aggravated by the desperate plight of hundreds of thousands of refugees, and now millions, little help was given. What we have seen is the global market system, and especially the EU, lend people money to buy things and then strangle their hopes and futures when they cannot repay. What we now have is the biggest debtor's prison in European history.
Sahra Wagenecht on Gabriel, SPD, AfD, War on Terror
Sahra Wagenknecht: We have been successfully running the Bundestag campaign for more than a year now. The Left is now highr in all surveys than in 2013, despite the strength of the AfD. The climate in the faction has also improved. There is a relationship of trust between Dietmar Bartsch and myself, we work well together. This is the prerequisite for a successful election campaign.
1950-1990 Le scandale des armées secrètes de l’OTAN (Gladio)
Il s’agit en fait plus précisément des cellules stay-behind (littéralement : restés derrière), qui étaient des réseaux clandestins coordonnés par l’OTAN. Implantées dans seize pays d’Europe de l’Ouest, ces cellules visaient à combattre une éventuelle occupation par le bloc de l’Est, se tenant prêtes à être activées en cas d’invasion par les forces du Pacte de Varsovie. La plus
Ron Paul on Trump, deep state, the war against Terror
With the surprise election of Donald Trump, can we expect an equally surprising foreign policy from him? During the campaign he provided us with a glimpse of his thinking. Will there be a Trump Doctrine?!
Russia-Syria-West: New warnings, threats and confusion
“We are moving into an era that is as dangerous, if not more dangerous, as the cold war”, warned not some pacifist, but the ex-head of British MI6 Sawers himself, adding that “we are not treating Russia and China as major powers that can cause us a great deal of damage. What we really need to do is try to avoid the road which leads to a direct confrontation”.
Democracy in America
We have gone from a nation that took great pride in being a model of a representative democracy to being a model of how to persuade the citizenry to march in lockstep with a police state. In doing so, we have proven Osama Bin Laden right. He warned that “freedom and human