By Tom Fowdy,
a British writer and analyst of politics and international relations
with a primary focus on East Asia.30 Oct, 2020
Beijing remain’s resolutely committed to increasing...
Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*)
Il est clair que nous entrons dans une ère de conflits sociaux, politiques et internationaux très graves et que nous ne...
Under Cover of Mass Death, Andrew Cuomo Calls in the Billionaires to Build a High-Tech Dystopia
By Naomi Klein
May 8 2020
For a few fleeting moments...
17 May, 2020
President Vladimir Putin has compared his multi-ethnic and multi-faith nation to an entire civilization, saying that if Russia is to maintain its...
By Simon Chandler,
a London-based journalist focusing on politics and technology
17 Nov, 2019
Belief in a flat Earth is becoming fashionable. Scientists and other guardians of common...
By Claire Edwards
October 04, 2019
The telecommunications companies and the mainstream media would have you believe that the race to roll out 5G is unstoppable....