Monday, 24 February , 2025


Greece – the clearance sale of military bases to the United...

The United States have profited cleverly from Greece’s financial problems in order to force them to sign a contract which would enable the USA...

From the Greek revolt to the Battle of England: hopes and...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos In a previous article we discussed some of the most critical geopolitical consequences of the outcome of the 12 December British election. In this paper...

Saving Europe’s Bankers, Not Its Workers

When European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi left office last month, he was widely praised for “saving the euro.” But he did this at...

Europe, dictature technocratique? Costa Gavras

Nov.4, 2019 Lire aussi La gauche européenne et la tragédie grecque La crise grecque : Première «bataille» d’une «guerre» pour l’Europe – un texte de 2010

Costa-Gavras: «Le capitalisme a enfanté de monstres»

Par Jean-Jacques Régibier 16 Octobre, 2019 Dans son dernier film, « Adults in the room », Costa-Gavras nous livre une chronique au scalpel de l’impitoyable bras de fer...

The situation in Portugal

Socialists victorious in Portuguese election António Costa wins but falls short of absolute majority, with negotiations for new left-wing alliance likely. By Paul Ames and...

POMPEO GO HOME: Thousands demonstrated against the visit of the U.S....

Oct.5, 2019 Thousands of workers, people of every age, participate in today's demonstrations in Athens, Thessaloniki and other Greek cities against the visit of the...

Greece elections finals: ND 39.85%, SYRIZA 31.53%, Golden Dawn out

July 8, 2019 By 99.84% of the votes counted, the results of the general elections on 7. July 2019 bring six political parties in the...

Four Reasons the European Left Lost

The setbacks for centrist parties in the European elections showed that the EU’s crisis is anything but over. Yet the Left’s lack of strategy...

SYRIZA still struggling to spot the reasons for defeat in EU...

May 31, 2019 Still shocked about the devastating defeat of 9.3% difference in the European elections, ruling  left-wing SYRIZA tries to understand what went wrong...