Dimitris Konstantakopoulos,
Повечето сериозни наблюдатели са съгласни, че санкциите на ЕС срещу руския петрол не само няма да засегнат руските приходи, но вероятно ще...
par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Dec 20, 2022
La plupart des observateurs sérieux s’accordent à dire que les sanctions concernant le pétrole russe décidées récemment par l’UE, non...
20 de diciembre de 2022
Por Dimitris Konstantakopoulos* –
También pretende someter a Europa para siempre a Estados Unidos. Y una forma de hacerlo es destruir...
By Ersin Çahmutoğlu *
Today, when the world is integrated with cyberspace, many states are developing cyber strategies within the scope of national security. These...
Trotsky's visionary text, Kautsky's Ultra-Imperialism, the struggles of De Gaule and Brand and Europe's current fight for survival in face of American domination
By Dimitris...
A cross-continental investigation uncovered a network of firms connected to Tal Dilian, ex-commander of a top secret Israeli intel unit, who has bought up...
Βυ Alexander Rubinstein
September 17, 2022
The NATO-backed Atlantic Council has proposed apartheid Israel as a blueprint for a hyper-militarized Ukraine. The paper was authored by...
by Scott
Nov 10, 2022
Download Episode.
Alan MacLeod of Mintpress News is back to talk more about the alarming number of former spies working for the...
Par Lisa Kamen-Hirsig
Oct. 31, 2022
Il avait été prévu de distribuer des montres connectées aux collégiens de Sarthe. Si le projet semble à l’arrêt, voici...