Sunday, 16 March , 2025


Google CEO: “We Know Where You Are. We Know Where You’ve...

Google CEO Eric Schmidt really has a knack for expressing relatively benign ideas in a way that makes him and his company look incredibly...

Can the Internet be saved?

by Chris Spannos 7 April 2018 News that Cambridge Analytica exploited the huge cache of Facebook user data, and that Facebook elevated commercial interests above...

How the CIA and Israel Eavesdropped on Every EU Government From...

By Jazzhands McFeels, James Allsup Apr 21, 2020 This post first appeared on Truth to Power Another great deep-dive. Turns out that a Swiss company which provided...

Mossad’s role fighting coronavirus in Israel is not as it seems

Israel's famed and feared intelligence agency was said to have stolen medical equipment to boost the country's Covid-19 defence. In reality, it has boosted...

Contact-tracing app will be ‘key part’ of UK government’s Covid-19 ‘surveillance...

28 Apr, 2020 The controversial NHS contact-tracing app will be a “key part” of the British government’s Covid-19 “surveillance programme” going forward, a spokesman for...

Amazon, Google, and Apple have moved past monopoly status to competing...

28 Apr, 2020 US Senator Josh Hawley is demanding a criminal antitrust probe of Amazon as the e-commerce behemoth’s powers grow to rival the government’s...

Don’t be evil, just OBEY: After Covid-19 tech giants will have...

By Mitchell Feierstein 11 Apr, 2020 Silicon Valley’s algorithms are controlling your cognitive map, and Congress is letting it happen. Covid-19 is providing the perfect cover...

Totalitarian Powers are already here!

Google knows if everyone in your county is actually staying home or not By Kate Cox 4/3/2020 The entire world is scrambling to mitigate the novel...

Snowden warns government surveillance amid COVID-19 could be long lasting

Governments could look for reasons to continue tracking people's activity, he says. By Abrar Al-Heeti March 26, 2020 Edward Snowden on Monday warned that high-tech surveillance measures governments...

La France s’inspire de la Corée… quand ça l’arrange

Il nous faudrait admettre – sans sourciller – que la Corée du Sud aurait été dans l’erreur dans son choix du masque pour tous,...