Shin Bet said to have secretly tracked most Israelis’ phones for...
TV report says security agency got OK from Justice Ministry officials for controversial program, but few in the government were informed; Knesset, phone companies...
1600 salariés de Google appelent l’entreprise à ne plus vendre ses...
Une telle mobilisation interne a déjà conduit Google à renoncer à des contrats avec le Pentagone.
Par Valentin Hamon-Beugin
23 juin 2020
Depuis le meurtre de l’Afro-Américain...
Les nouveaux maîtres de l’économie mondiale – Le capitalisme de surveillance
Par Sergio Marotta
Siergo Marotta, sociologie du droit, Faculté des sciences, Naples.
L’urgence sanitaire mondiale actuelle, résultant du coronavirus, a également poussé ceux qui jusqu’à présent...
DEA Deploys Sophisticated Tech, ‘Sweeping Powers’ to Collect Protesters’ Information –...
While the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has been conducting surveillance and collecting information on protesters in the wake of the police killing...
Screen New Deal
Under Cover of Mass Death, Andrew Cuomo Calls in the Billionaires to Build a High-Tech Dystopia
By Naomi Klein
May 8 2020
For a few fleeting moments...
Comment vérifier si l’option de TRAÇAGE s’est installée automatiquement et comment...
(Pour certain.e.s, elle était déjà installée mais pas activée...vérifier dans qq jours pour les autres)
(N'hésitez-pas à partager cette information).
Pour votre iPhone
1. Allez dans réglages
Population control, microchips and digital currency: the basis of coronavirus conspiracies
Against the backdrop of wide-ranging efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, conspiracy theories are proving almost as infectious on the internet,...
Will EU and pandemic pave way for Israeli global surveillance?
By Ali Abunimah
13 April 2020
The coronavirus pandemic is a priceless opportunity for governments and spy firms to expand their reach into people’s lives.
Public health...
Benjamin Netanyahu suggests microchipping kids, slammed by experts
"If the information with the kids' location is uploaded to the internet, a pedophile with some cyber knowledge may invade the system and stalk...