Saturday, 15 March , 2025


With Biden’s New Threats, the Russia Discourse is More Reckless and...

The U.S. media demands inflammatory claims be accepted with no evidence, while hacking behavior routinely engaged in by the U.S. is depicted as aberrational. by...

Dérive autoritaire du macronisme : le diable est dans les détails

Par Régis de Castelnau 10 décembre 2020 Emmanuel Macron se plaint qu’on lui reproche d’être à l’origine d’une dérive autoritaire de son régime. Il a tort, c’est...

A New Technology That Will Dangerously Expand Government Spying on Citizens

by Jack Rasmus December 2, 2020 If you’re worried about the capability of government to conduct surveillance of citizens engaged in political assembly and protest, or...

In Blow to Online Privacy EU Seizes on Vienna Attack to...

If the EU is successful, users will no longer enjoy protection from the prying eyes of government and criminals on popular messaging apps like...

Benjamin Netanyahu suggests microchipping kids, slammed by experts

"If the information with the kids' location is uploaded to the internet, a pedophile with some cyber knowledge my invade the system and stalk...

Loi sécurité globale : surveillance généralisée des manifestations

29 Octobre 2020 Le 20 octobre, les députés de la majorité LREM ont déposé une proposition de loi de « sécurité globale ». Elle sera débattue par...

Israel Rolls Out Dystopian Cyber Espionage Award for US-Backed Digital Saboteurs

The myriad cybersecurity, AI, and IoT startups emerging out of Israel’s state-funded organizations have extensive ties to American Fortune 100 companies like Apple, Google,...

How a U.S. Army Whistleblower Revealed ‘the Apparatus of a Police...

In the 1960s, the military had been illegally spying on protesters until Christopher Pyle, a former Army intelligence officer, spoke out. by Sarah Cords September 12,...

NSO Group Closes Cyprus Office of Spy Firm

NSO recently closed the Cyprus office of phone network exploitation company Circles and fired a number of staff, according to two former NSO employees. by...

Face aux syndicats, Amazon échoue à faire installer des « caméras...

1 septembre 2020 Le 26 août, Amazon aurait dû installer des caméras intelligentes sur ses sites français. Censées aider à la distanciation sociale, elles devaient...