Lacking in any strategic thinking, a new bellicism has swept up the elites and gone into cataclysmic overdrive in recent weeks
By Almut Rochowanski
Mar 13, 2025
Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Toute personne raisonnable sur cette planète ne peut que saluer la décision de Trump de mettre fin au conflit en Ukraine et...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Every rational person on the planet cannot help but applaud Trump's decision to end the conflict in Ukraine and hope that it...
Nov 14, 2024
Days after his election victory over Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris, Republican President-elect Donald Trump began filling Cabinet positions and other key...
Iran is now the key to the world situation
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
In my previous article on Syria I argued that there is a "Damascus-Tehran (not...
Une étude de cas sur la Nouvelle Banque de Développement des BRICS
Il est désormais largement admis que les institutions de l’économie mondiale sont, à...