Димитрис Константакопулос
Как это обычно бывает в кризисные времена, «ленинцы рыночной системы» могут попытаться использовать шоковую ситуацию для продвижения своей повестки дня. Они знают, что...
Published by Valdai Discussion Club
It is clear that we are entering worldwide an era of very grave social, political and international conflicts and we...
By George Soros
21 Apr 2020
The European commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, has announced that Europe will need about €1tn (£873bn) to fight the...
Europe must stand with Turkey over Putin’s war crimes in Syria
By George Soros
Mar. 4, 2020
Since the beginning of its intervention in Syria in September...
The controversial billionaire philanthropists are launching a new anti-interventionist think tank.
By Kelsey Piper
Jul 1, 2019
There’s an unlikely pair of philanthropists...