Sunday, 26 January , 2025


Guardian does not like Corbyn, still it calls to vote Labour

The Guardian view on general election 2019: A fleeting chance to stop Boris Johnson in his tracks Dec. 10, 2019 Britain has not faced a more critical...

Voices of Scotland: Labour still relies on the organised working class

By Tom Morisson Dec. 10, 2019 AS many acknowledge, we have a once in a lifetime opportunity this Thursday to elect a left-led Labour government. The...

Scottish Independence and the England problem

The Scottish struggle for independence is one of several issues at the centre of debates over where power in the United Kingdom should be...

PMQs: Boris and Corbyn battle over the NHS

Oct. 30, 2019 BORIS Johnson has FINALLY won backing in the Commons for a Christmas election as MPs voted for his plan to go to...

Brexit: imperialist Britain faces existential crisis

Note We are reproducing here an interesting article on the probable demise of "imperialist Britain" as a result of the Brexit crisis.There is no...

Blowback. Brexit and its aftermath

By Klaus Dräger June 30, 2016 Commenting on his EU referendum pledge in 2013 and the referendum on Scottish independence, British prime minister David Cameron claimed in...

Johnson’s Westminster Cabinet is Far to the Right of Thatcher

By Craig Murray 25 Jul, 2019 I can only imagine that the media people who are saying this is the most right wing cabinet since the...

United Kingdom Trump weakens May’s hand, says Brexit deal ‘good for...

By Alice Tidey & Reuters 27/11/2018 US President Donald Trump dealt a major blow to Britain's Theresa May on Monday telling reporters that the draft Brexit...

“L’avenir sera populiste”, dixit Bannon, l’ex-conseiller de Trump

15 Novembre 2018 En milieu de semaine, Steve Bannon, l'ancien stratège du président américain Donald Trump, était invité à la conférence News Xchange à Édimbourg....

After May, Labour and Left Unity

Ian Parker The Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn has succeeded in breaking the hold of the Conservatives on British politics. It is Corbyn who has...