Friday, 7 March , 2025

Sanders Bernie

The future of Sanders’ political movement

Sanders Might Soon Be Out of the Race, But Not the Revolution Five ways to build on the momentum of the Bernie Sanders campaign and...

The media drive to shut down the Sanders campaign

Media pundits and Democratic Party officials have joined forces to pressure Bernie Sanders to shut down his campaign and accept the inevitable.

Extent (and limits) of manipulation by the media

By ERIC BOEHLERT 81:1. Does that ratio seem out of whack? That's the ratio of TV airtime that ABC World News Tonight has devoted to Donald Trump's campaign (81...

Why millennials love Bernie Sanders

By SOPHIA A. MCCLENNEN Polls show that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have trouble appealing to young voters.  In a recent study released by...

Democratic Primaries In The Shadow Of Neoliberalism

By David Coates The Democratic Party primary battle between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is being fought in the shadow of “neoliberalism” – in the...

Bernie Sanders on poverty

Bernie Holds Community Conversation on Poverty Sisters and Brothers In the United States today, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, 47 million Americans...

Video: Sanders, Trump, and the American political earthquake

Alan Woods - editor of In Defence of Marxism - discusses the significance of the Sanders movement, the political earthquake in American politics, and...

Bernie Sanders speech at the Vatican

“The Urgency of a Moral Economy: Reflections on the 25th Anniversary of Centesimus Annus”   I am honoured to be with you today and was pleased to...

Greece, Cyprus, Sanders and Dignity

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos We wrote about it again and again. Giorgos Mitralias has written about it before us in “” and Giorgos Charvalias in the...

Israeli hawks attack Sanders on Gaza

Sanders tells ADL he knows he got his Gaza death toll number wrong. Candidate notes he immediately accepted correction to much-inflated 10,000 figure in midst...