By Stephen Lendman
August 20, 2019
The US under both extremist right wings of its war party is a rogue state by any definition.
It operates extrajudicially...
By Daniel Larison
August 14, 2019
Abbas Kebriaeezadeh, a professor of pharmacology from Iran, outlines the harmful effects that U.S. sanctions are having on Iranians’...
August 7, 2019
The US continues to escalate its anti-Venezuela measures this week, having announced Monday night that sanctions have grown to an economic embargo,...
By Daniel Larison
July 13, 2019
Warnings of famine are increasing in Venezuela, and U.S. sanctions are responsible for driving the country over the edge:
If Washington doesn’t impose sanctions on Ankara, it will be seen as a paper tiger and Europe will receive further justification for avoiding sanctions...