A Romanian Contribution against American Global Empire
Preface by Iurie Roșca to the book of Calistrat M. Atudorei
At the present time, thirty years after the...
Calistrat M. Atudorei: Romania, between globalist integration and multi-polar partnership
Nov.11, 2019
Chisinau Forum III, September 20-21 2019
Calistrat M. Atudorei, researcher specialized in philosophy and social...
By Philip Chrysopoulos
Aug 4, 2019
Although Greece is one of the top tourist destinations in the entire world, breaking arrival records year after year, one...
Romania’s parliament has approved legislation to repatriate the country’s foreign gold reserves.
The new law requires the return of 91.5% of Romania’s gold held overseas —...
March 24, 2019
Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă announces at the AIPAC policy conference in Washington that her country will be moving its embassy to...
"Modern nuclear-armed cruise missiles will be far more fearsome than those that were banned when the INF Treaty was signed in 1987"
Βυ Theodore Postol
The European Parliament has condemned the excessive force and violence* used by police forces on peaceful protesters across Europe in recent times which have...
World’s Most Dangerous Nuclear Weapon Rolls Off Assembly Line
By James Carroll
February 12, 2019
Last month, the National Nuclear Security Administration (formerly the Atomic Energy Commission) announced...