By Nuvpreet Kalra - Tim Biondo
December 23, 2024
Earlier this month, the company that brings us ChatGPT announced its partnership with California-based weapons company, Anduril, to produce...
Par Michel Kokoreff *
Jul 11, 2023
Des émeutes de 2005, réel marqueur social, qu’a-t-on appris ? À chaque fois, c’est l’embrasement médiatique qualifié d’« effet...
Around 45,000 police were deployed throughout France on Saturday in anticipation of a fifth night of violence sparked by police shooting a teenager. In...
By Dimitris Scarpalezos
One first "americanisation" step was taken in France with the creation of "ghettos " of essentially foreign workers (whose majority and their families...
Jun 30, 2023
Certains craignent l’embrasement. D’autres ne font rien pour l’empêcher. Pour l’élu du Nord David Guiraud, «c’est les policiers qui doivent se calmer»....
By Marianne Arens
6 June 2023
Police encircled around 1,000 demonstrators in a police “kettle” in the Connewitz district of the city of Leipzig, Germany, on...