Saturday, 11 January , 2025

Radical Left

Si on veut une gauche de gauche, il va falloir changer...

Jun 12, 2023 La manifestation du 6 juin 2023 marque le reflux du mouvement social avant la trêve estivale. À noter des attaques de cortège à...

The New Imperialist Structure

by Samir Amin Contemporary capitalism is a capitalism of generalized monopolies. What I mean by that is that monopolies no longer form islands (important as...

Multipolarity: The need for a positive content

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) I believe the demand for multipolarity is the most fundamental and the most genuinely democratic demand of our times. I am very...

Biden’s hawks and the Greek elections

By Themis Tzimas The website Moon of Alabama reported some information that should be of concern (to those  in their right mind at least): a...

And now what to do?

For a united front in defense of the social, democratic and national rights of the Greek people. By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 22 May 2023 Much can be written...

C.J. Polychroniou – The Rise and Fall of Greece’s Radical-in-Name-Only Syriza...

Lack of experience in governance, ideological confusion, severe structural constraints, crude political opportunism, and broken promises guaranteed that Syriza’s downfall was just a matter...

Mitsotakis’ Hard Right Hook Knocked Out Greece’s Left: What’s Left?

May 23, 2023 ATHENS – Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ New Democracy Conservatives achieved a resounding victory over the major opposition SYRIZA, although it was not...

SYRIZA in Disarray After Shocking Election Defeat in Greece

By Tasos Kokkinidis May 23, 2023 SYRIZA, the party that swept to power during the turbulent years of the Greek debt crisis, is in disarray after...

Mera25 (Diem25), Yanis Varoufakis and their Coalition at the upcoming Greek...

By Dimitris Belantis, Dr. in Constitutional Law, former Member of the Central Committee of SYRIZA Looking back to the four years’ period  since the last national ...

Grecia: la traición de Tsipras a su pueblo

Y las fuerzas que están detrás de todo esto por Dimitri Konstantakopoulos, Sandro Cruz Oct 6, 2015 Se ha hablado mucho de Grecia estos tiempos, de deuda,...