Sunday, 23 February , 2025


“Pedro Sanchez Did Not Become PM to Put Forward a Progressive,...

The parties of the left must maintain an organic link with popular mobilizations to prevent a continuation of status quo, says Ivan Orosa by Pavan...

Royaume d’Espagne: faim et soif d’espérance

Par Gustavo Buster 22  juin  2018 Un peu plus de deux semaines se sont écoulées depuis la formation du nouveau gouvernement Sánchez. Ce n’est probablement que...

« La construction d’un peuple révolutionnaire n’est pas un dîner de...

Ce mardi 10 avril 2018, nous avons rencontré Jean-Luc Mélenchon dans son bureau à l’Assemblée nationale. Au cours d’une longue discussion, le député des...

A very rare exception in Europe: Podemos, a democratic and socially...

Pablo Iglesias Announces Shock Podemos Leadership Vote In Response To €600,000 Luxury Home Scandal May 19 2018 Iglesias puts leadership position and seat as an MP...

A vacuum on Spain’s political left

Center-right group Ciudadanos cannot be the only alternative to the governing Popular Party. Ideas are needed from the Socialists and Podemos 19 Apr., 2018 Practically all...

«Maintenant le Peuple ! Pour une révolution citoyenne en Europe»

Appel commun Bloc de gauche, Podemos, France Insoumise 12 avril 2018 Catarina Martin, pour le Bloc de gauche portugais, Pablo Iglesias pour Podemos, Etat espagnol et...

On Trump, US-Russian relations and the state of the World |...

Belgian journalist Michel Collon, Greek journalist and former member of SYRIZA Secretariat Dimitris Konstantakopoulos and ex-senior CIA Analyst Ray McGovern debate Trump, East-West relations and the...

2018 Polls Show 3-Way Struggle For Minority Lead

Ciudadanos has made the most gains since 2016, as Podemos languishes in fourth place, but parties 20 points away from majority. Image: Polls for 2018...

New Poll Suggests 54 Seat Gain For Ciudadanos, General Election Meltdown...

PSOE would make smaller gains A new Sociométrica poll for El Español at the weekend suggested a drop of 40 seats for the governing Popular...

Catalonia and the Spanish State

Jorge Tamames reviews Spanish nationalism, the ‘regime of 1978’ and prospects for constitutional reform in Spain towards a pluri-national state. He sadly notes: “Podemos...