Aug. 13, 2021
On August 9-11 solidarity rallies were held in Riga (Latvia), Kiev (Ukraine), Tallin (Estonia), Chisinau (Moldova), Tbilisi (Georgia), Liege (Belgium), Moscow (Russia)...
By Xie Wenting and Bai Yunyi Published
Jun 11, 2021
Editor's Note:
China and Russia have seen increasing interactions and closer bonds as they face amid...
By Jonny Tickle
12 Jun, 2021
The first Russian president, Boris Yeltsin, was surrounded by “hundreds” of CIA agents who told him what to do throughout...
By Dr. William Mallinson
19 May 2021
When the Soviet Union collapsed, and the Warsaw Pact died, there was much speculation that NATO would consider itself...
Apr. 9, 2021
L' Otan pousse le monde vers une crise très grave qui inclut même un risque de conflit nucléaire.
L' administration Biden pousse Zelenski...
19 Février 2020
L’évolution du capitalisme mondialisé a étendu à la planète entière le processus de baisse tendancielle des taux de profits ce qui génère...
Aram Araratyan of the Armenian embassy in the UK responds to a letter from the Azerbaijani ambassador
4 Oct 2020
The Azerbaijani ambassador’s reference to Nagorno-Karabakh...