Sunday, 23 February , 2025

Parthenon Marbles

Acropolis and the British “cultural” piracy

Did England commit fraud to keep the Parthenon Sculptures? 2/27/2020 For the last two centuries, the British Museum in London has claimed ownership of the...

Pékin souhaite le retour à Athènes des frises du Parthénon exposée...

Lors d’une visite d’État en Grèce, le président Xi Jinping a expliqué sa position en soulignant qu’il réclame également le retour de nombreuses œuvres...

Chinese president Xi express full support for Return of Parthenon Marbles

November 12, 2019 “Not only do I agree with the return of the Parthenon Sculptures but you will also have our support,” Chinese President Xi...