Saturday, 22 February , 2025

Orthodox Christians

Transformer Sainte-Sophie en mosquée: Une nouvelle crise en Méditerranée orientale

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 12/07/2020 La décision du régime turc de faire de Sainte-Sophie, l'un des plus importants monuments de la chrétienté, une mosquée ne peut être...

Turning Hagia Sophia into a mosque: A new crisis in Eastern...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos The decision of the Turkish regime to make Hagia Sophia, one of the most important monuments of Christendom, a mosque can only...

What Will Happen Now to Hagia Sophia’s Byzantine Mosaics?

By Tasos Kokkinidis Jul 10, 2020 Following Turkey’s decision to annul the 1934 conversion of Constantinople’s Hagia Sophia into a museum, paving the way for its...

World reacts to Turkey’s decision to re-convert Hagia Sophia into mosque

Jul 11 2020 The world has been reacting to the Turkish government’s decision to re-convert the Hagia Sophia museum into a mosque. “To convert it back...

Why the U.S. will do nothing to protect the Hagia Sophia

By Edward G. Stafford Jul 08 2020 The Council of State, Turkey’s highest administrative court, is currently considering whether to reconvert the Hagia Sophia museum into...

Hagia Sophia becomes mosque again after Erdogan signs decree

Turkey's president has signed a decree to formally turn the Hagia Sophia into a mosque - a move which threatens to upset Christians around...

Official UNESCO Statement on Reconversion of Hagia Sophia into Mosque

By Patricia Claus Jul 10, 2020 UNESCO, the United Nations body tasked with the identification and preservation of sites with the greatest significance to the world’s...

UNESCO sent letter to Turkey regarding turning Hagia Sophia into a...

Jun 26, 2020 Ernesto Ottone Ramírez, Assistant Director-General for Culture said that UNESCO sent a letter to the Turkish authorities at the beginning of June regarding...

Accumulating explosive materials, facilitating a war between Greece and Turkey

Erdogan and the Hagia Sophia: Will He – Or Won’t He? Facing ever shakier voter support, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan may finally be ready...

‘Can’t erase history’: Putin & Stalin mosaic for military cathedral is...

25 Apr, 2020 President Vladimir Putin and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin will both make a surprise, if minor, appearance inside the main cathedral of the...