Thursday, 23 January , 2025


The Hijacking of France (from Donald Trump to Marine Le Pen)

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) “I am the last President of France. All the next presidents will be accountants,” François Mitterrand once said. But he would not...

History Wars – Poland, Ukraine and Lithuania revise the meaning of...

On Thursday, MPs from the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's parliament, approved the 'Declaration of Remembrance and Solidarity' of the parliaments of Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania, which put the blame for the events of the Second World War squarely on the Soviet Union.

Auschwitz: The Role of IG Farben-Bayer

IG Farben was the most powerful German corporate cartel in the first half of the 20th century and the single largest profiteer from the Second World War. IG (Interessengemeinschaft) stands for “Association of Common Interests”: IG Farben included BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, and other German chemical and pharmaceutical companies.

Ukraine – Neocons in Action

Documentary Project "Ukraine: The masks of the revolution" broadcast on the French TV channel Canal +. Ukrainian Embassy in Paris asked to take the broadcast of the film in France of the air. But what is in there that the Ukrainian authorities are so afraid of? Maybe the truth? Until now Europe does not know all of what actually happened and continues to happen in Kiev and across the country as a whole. Instead of this movie representatives of

75 years since Operation Barbarossa – Revisions…

On 22nd June it will have been 75 years since the commencement of Operation Barbarossa, the Hitlerian invasion of the Soviet Union, the war of extermination, pillage and colonization which was to cost the lives of between 24 and 29 million human beings (according to recent estimates)

Juin 1941-2016, le 75ème anniversaire de “Barbarossa”. REVISIONS…

Jean-Marie Chauvier , Bruxelles (chercheur, spécialaiste de la Russie, Bielorussie et Ukraine) Il y aura 75 ans, ce 22 juin, que commença l'Opération Barbarossa, soit...