Björn Höcke sparks fury by calling for tradition to end and labelling Holocaust memorial a ‘monument of shame’
By Philip Oltermann
A politician from the rightwing...
Since its founding in 1955, Germany’s military, the Bundeswehr, has never quite shaken off the spirit of the Wehrmacht. Why is that?
Von Peter Dausend
3 days later, Israeli leaders still conspicuously silent on Charlottesville
By Raphael Ahren
rime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not only comment on Israeli politics and...
Kiev’s city council has renamed one of the city’s major streets after Roman Shukhevich, a Ukrainian nationalist and Nazi officer who was commander of...
Paris, by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
The fact that we are continually discussing the earthquake that will probably not happen (the election of Le Pen) contributes to...
Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*)
Je dois d' abord exprimer mon admiration profonde et sincere pour l' instinct politique des terroristes islamistes. Ils semblent disposer un...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*)
“I am the last President of France. All the next presidents will be accountants,” François Mitterrand once said.
But he would not...