The world social forum 2021
WSF activities co-organized by Global U:
Please visit Global U website for activity details and readers:
WSF website to register persons or organizations, activities and...
Depuis l'apparition publique de l'EZLN en janvier 1994, le gouvernement mexicain à ses trois niveaux (fédéral, étatique et municipal) a promu, organisé, financé et...
Mexican president chides ‘arrogant’ Zuckerberg over Trump Facebook blocking
January 8, 2021
MEXICO CITY, Jan 8 (Reuters) - Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Friday branded Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg "arrogant" for his...
Verdict on Assange: An enormous victory of the international public opinion!
Good news the extradition of Julian Assange has been refused. Extradition would be an attack on press freedom. It is alarming the judge has...
2020 Latin America and the Caribbean in Review: the Pink Tide...
by Roger Harris*
December 31, 2020
The balance between the US drive to dominate Latin America and the Caribbean and its counterpart, the Bolivarian cause of...
In Memoriam – Guillermo Almeyra
Guillermo Almeyra Ancient cadre de la Tendance Marxiste Revolutionnaire Internationale (TMRI), ainsi que de plusieurs autres organizations, est mort le 24 septembre 2019, Utopie-critique...
Venezuela’s National Assembly elections: an important victory for Chavismo
FRANCISCO DOMINGUEZ assesses the results of the vote
Dec 15, 2020
VENEZUELA’S free and fair elections to the National Assembly, held on December 6 2020, produced...
From Mexico To Africa: Israel’s Dark History Of Training Gangs and...
In 1989 for example, Israel was accused of training paramilitary forces belonging to Colombia’s deadly Medellin drug cartel, a group responsible for the deaths...
China finally congratulates Biden on US election victory: ‘We respect the...
‘We understand the results of the US election will be determined according to US laws and procedures’
Nov. 13, 2020
China has congratulated Joe Biden on...
Zapatistas need solidarity after coffee harvest burned
The Zapatistas need your solidarity after targeted attacks by government-linked paramilitaries destroyed much of this year’s coffee harvest.
September 23, 2020
On August 22, 2020, the...