Friday, 17 January , 2025


The Empire strikes back. Netanyahu, Trump and the Neocons

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos For the time being it seems we avoided the global disaster of an all-out confrontation between US, Israel and their allies on...

Palestinian journalists targeted to prevent them speaking truth about Israeli occupation

By Steve Sweeney January 10, 2020 Photo: Palestinian journalist Yasser Mortaja was killed by Israeli troops in Gaza while working in April 2018 PALESTINIAN journalists have warned that...

Secret intelligence & ‘highly likelys’: How media created narrative around Tehran...

By Nebojsa Malic 10 Jan, 2020 Whatever caused Flight 752 to crash just after takeoff from Tehran, the 176 people who died were quickly drafted as...

Is this “Euronews” or US-Israel Totalitarian News?

Was Soleimani's killing justified? Yes. A million times yes ǀ View By Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata 4/01/2020 As we take stock of General Qassem Soleimani’s death, contemplating both...

US & UK Military-Intelligence Apparatus Deploy Media Smears Against Corbyn

In the lead-up to Britain’s historic election on Thursday, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been hit with evidence-free Russiagate-style allegations, Ben Norton and Max...

John Pilger: The Lies About Assange Must Stop Now

If Julian Assange were to succumb to the cruelties heaped upon him, week after week, month after month, year upon year, as doctors warn,...

BBC attacks Corbyn over his correct stance on foreign wars

Corbyn's position on Britain's military adventures has been right on every occasion, argues Chris Nineham by Chris Nineham November 11, 2019 Once again, the establishment is on the...

“Le coup d’état n’a pas eu lieu”: la Bolivie vue par...

Par Milan Ferrer 17 Novembre 2019 Dimanche dernier survenait un coup d’État en Bolivie. Trois semaines après la réélection d’Evo Morales, l’armée et la police ont...

Bernard-Henri Lévy vs. Aleksandr Dugin – Nexus Symposium 21 September 2019,...

To celebrate our 25th anniversary, the Nexus Symposium 2019, ‘The Magic Mountain Revisited’, revolved around the themes and music from The Magic Mountain. As...