Sunday, 9 March , 2025


BBC World News banned from broadcasting in China, as London-Beijing media...

11 Feb, 2021 BBC World News has been banned from the Chinese airwaves, Beijing’s state-controlled TV network announced. The tit-for-tat move comes after the UK...

Filmer la police est un droit : deux policiers jugés coupables...

29 janvier 2021 Nous attendions ce jugement depuis 5 ans, il a enfin été rendu. Les 2 policiers qui avaient saisi la caméra de notre...

Solidarity with Sener Levent and Esra Aygin

The National Federation of Cypriots in the UK expresses its solidarity with Turkish Cypriot journalists Sener Levent and Esra Aygin following dangerous and unacceptable...

Covid: La planète malade

Frédéric Taddeï interroge Michel Collon sur son enquête consacrée à la crise covid 7 Jan 2021 Le nouveau livre de Michel Collon, Planète Malade, a été...

Where Does The American Far Right Go From Here?

HuffPost spoke to David Neiwert, an author and expert on the far right By Nick Robins-Early Jan. 16, 2021 After pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol building in...

Even If Assange’s Death isn’t the Goal of the US and...

by Jonathan Cook* January 8, 2021 There was a hope in some quarters after Judge Vanessa Baraitser ruled on Monday against an application to extradite Julian...

Caitlin Johnstone: The two-faced mainstream media is already using the Washington...

By Caitlin Johnstone* 7 Jan, 2021 So the US gets a tiny taste of its own medicine and now the press wants controls on what people can...

Here’s Every Time Donald Trump And Ghislaine Maxwell Have Been Photographed...

By Lisette Voytko Jul 21, 2020 Photo by Patrick McMullan/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images Topline: During a Tuesday coronavirus briefing, President Trump offered well-wishes to Ghislaine Maxwell,...

Rainbow Warrior : Retour sur la naissance d’un scandale d’État –...

A l’occasion des 35 ans de la condamnation du commandant Alain Mafart et du capitaine Dominique Prieur dans l’affaire du Rainbow Warrior (22 novembre...

Putin Calls for Quick and Harsh Response to Violation of Russian...

by Evgeny Mikhaylov Dec 10, 2020 The statement comes after yet another incident with Sputnik Latvia journalists. Stringers working for the news site were detained by...