Maduro Nicolas
There is Still Time to Prevent Civil War in Venezuela
by Eva Golinger
July 28, 2017
As Latin America celebrates the end of the region’s longest violent conflict in Colombia, I have watched with pain and...
Venezuela zwischen den Fronten
Die Nachrichten aus dem erdölreichsten Land der Welt überschlagen sich dieser Tage. Sie zeichnen meist ein ziemlich undifferenziertes Bild eines Machtkampfes zwischen dem rechtsgerichteten...
Correcting Eva Golinger on Venezuela
by Stansfield Smith
August 18th, 2017
As the class struggle heated up in Venezuela this year, fueled by interventionist threats by the pro-US Organization of American...
A Review of US Media Coverage on Venezuela
By Richard Seymour
TeleSUR English
August 25th 2017
Donald Trump has warned that Washington is considering a “military option” in Venezuela. This follows Trump’s earlier threat to...
Le Venezuela est-il victime d’une guerre économique ?
Un gouvernement autoritaire qui affame son peuple et le réprime à coups de matraques : c’est de cette manière que la situation au Venezuela...
Let’s Save the World – Trump Must Go!
By Peter Koenig
12 August 2017
For the last few days, the megalo-psychopath, Donald Trump, doubling as President of the United States of America, with a...
Being Honest About Venezuela
By Mike Gonzalez
As Nicolás Maduro’s increasingly antidemocratic government battles violent right-wing forces, ordinary Venezuelans are watching the gains of Chavismo slip away.
Venezuela descends deeper...
Why Can’t the U.S. Left Get Venezuela Right?
by Shamus Cooke
As Venezuela’s fascist-minded oligarchy conspires with U.S. imperialism to overthrow the democratically elected government of Nicolas Maduro, few in the U.S. seem...
Is Venezuela on the Verge of a Another Coup?
Current events in Venezuela and the political opposition’s call for global protests against President Maduro conjure memories of the 2002 coup d’état - a moment marked by violence all too familiar for most Venezuelans. The opposition’s public call for national and international protests slated for September 1st accompanied by transportation strikes in
Is Venezuela in Danger of a military intervention?
Source: Agencia Venezolana de Noticias (AVN) / The Dawn News / May 14, 2016. The National Bolivarian Armed Forces of Venezuela (FANB) expressed last...