Maduro Nicolas
‘World is Not Trump’s Estate’: Bolivia’s Evo Morales Condemns US Sanctions...
22 May 2018
"It is a reprisal for having democratically defeated the coup, boycott against President Nicolás Maduro," Bolivia's president reiterated.
Bolivian President Evo Morales has...
Peoples’ movements across the world celebrate the victory of Nicolás Maduro
They congratulate the courage and determination of the people of Venezuela
The Dawn News / May 22, 2018
On Sunday May 20, the Venezuelan people elected...
Nicolas Maduro Wins Presidential Elections – US, Allies Continue Interventionist Agenda
Nicolas Maduro Wins Venezuelan Presidential Elections
20 May, 2018
President Nicolas Maduro won the Venezuelan presidential elections Sunday, gaining a second presidential term for six years...
Communes and Workers’ Control in Venezuela – interview with Dario Azzellini
By Ricardo Vaz
Source: Investig’Action
April 27, 2018
“The communes should be the space in which we are going to give birth to socialism.” – these were...
Venezuelan Constituent Assembly Approves Workers’ Councils Law
The Constitutional Law of Productive Councils of Workers gives legal status to bodies which already exist in many workplaces and is aimed at giving...
Venezuela : l’interdiction d’un parti qui n’existe pas | Par Thierry...
Même Le Média s’y est laissé prendre… Dans le cadre de l’élection présidentielle anticipée qui se déroulera dans quelques semaines au Venezuela, la Cour Suprême de...
Venezuela opposition looks to military to oust Maduro. Dream on
Having failed to dislodge President Nicolás Maduro, the opposition is openly talking of a coup but mutual benefit links the military with the ruling...
Latin America: The Pendulum Swings to the Right | by James...
Clearly the pendulum has swung to the right in the past few years. Numerous questions arise. What kind of right? How far right? How...
Venezuela’s Socialists Score Landslide Win in Mayoral Elections
Venezuela’s socialists have won a landslide victory in municipal elections Sunday, taking 21 out of 23 state capitals as well as the Caracas Capital District.
Venezuela: The Victory of Chavistas
Venezuela Elections: Why Does the Corporate Media Keep Crying Fraud?
The Real News interviews Alex Main from the Center for Economic and Policy Research on...