Friday, 14 March , 2025

Le Pen

Creating Fake “Radicals” – From Trump to Le Pen

“A group of anonymous keyboard warriors who claim they helped Donald Trump win his presidency have moved their fight to Europe and are trying...

Détruire l’UE, aller à la guerre au Moyen Orient, abolir les...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) On raconte que Madame Le Pen n’a pas beaucoup de chances d’être elue. Mais il faut raconter exactemenet ça, si on...

The Hijacking of France (from Donald Trump to Marine Le Pen)

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) “I am the last President of France. All the next presidents will be accountants,” François Mitterrand once said. But he would not...

Anatomie du Front national. Entretien avec René Monzat

Le succès électoral du Front national invite à revenir sur les mutations de cette formation d’extrême droite. Dans cet entretien, René Monzat, ancien animateur...

Philippe de Villiers ne se ralliera pas à Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen devra faire sans lui. Philippe de Villiers n’apportera pas son soutien à la présidente du Front national pour la présidentielle, selon...

De Vichy a l’ Algérie

Nils Andersson : «Des crimes de guerre en Algérie? Il y en a eu» Nils Andersson, né en 1933 à Lausanne d’un père suédois et...

Marine Le Pen: pro-Jewish, pro-Israel, pro-Zionist

Despite Dual Citizenship Comment, Le Pen Still Pro-Israel By David Israel Marine Le Pen has been demonized by the media even worse than Donald Trump, in...

The Far Right’s Leftist Mask

The European far right has cynically appropriated left-wing and pro-worker talking points for its own purposes. by Alexandre Afonso & Line Rennwald In the early 1980s,...

Strange Affinities: Netanyahu and the Far Right!

FAR-RIGHT political movements and parties across Europe have exploited popular discontent to gain political power, emboldening some of the most racist, xenophobic and reactionary...

The Liberation of the Slaves

Donald Trump’s electoral victory unleashed pent-up tectonic energies on the unprecedented scale. The world has been changed, much more than could be expected from any election of a US president. Just a short time has passed since election day, but it appears that the New World Order has received a shattering blow. There is a great feeling of freedom in the air, as if the vote broke the chains of a generation, and we suddenly found ourselves free.