Daily Sabah
February 20, 2022
Turkey withdraws veto on NATO defense plan for Poland, Baltics
NATO Tuesday approved a new defense plan for Poland and the Baltic...
January 20, 2022
The Greek Cypriot administration will pay for any attacks perpetrated by the YPG against the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and...
The crisis at the border of Belarus is just half the story. Why would Kurdish migrants flee their Western-style democratic regime?
By Ted Galen Carpenter...
Poland-Belarus: Iraqi Kurdish refugees reject offer to return to hardship at home
Spiralling unemployment, poverty and repression in Iraqi Kurdistan has led thousands to attempt...
Nov 02 2021
The Youth Union of Turkey (TGB), a secular nationalist youth organisation, announced on its social media account that its members hooded U.S....
Jul 10, 2021
The European Parliament has adopted a resolution condemning the Turkish government’s repression of opposition parties, particularly thepro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP).
The resolution adopted on Thursday by...
Jul 9, 2021
L’Allemagne a annoncé aujourd’hui l’interdiction du congrès annuel du KCDK-E qui devait se tenir le 11 juillet dans la ville de Cologne,...
By Burak Bekdil
April 11, 2021
As recently as the early 2000s, Turkey was dependent on Israeli-made unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, or drones) in its...
By Rick Rozoff
April 1, 2021
On the first of the year the North Atlantic Treaty Organization transferred command of the NATO Very High Readiness Joint...