Sunday, 9 March , 2025


Turkey – in the epicenter of tectonic shifts

Henry Kissinger reminds us that in international relations, states do not have permanent friends or enemies, only interests. That lesson reverberated Tuesday in St. Petersburg, where Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan let bygones be bygones with his "dear friend, the esteemed Vladimir" in an ironic (and somewhat excessive) display of diplomatic reconciliation.

President Obama considers dissolving the CIA and NSA – they knew...

German parliamentarians prepare to ask also for sanctions against USA, Britain and France. According to those parliamentarians, by implementing the Chaos Strategy in the Middle East, in order to “promote democracy”, as they kept saying, Washington, London and Paris are directly responsible for the refugee crisis, the terror attacks and the whole instability which landed now in Turkey.

PKK foreign relations head speaks out

The Kurds have been the most oppressed people of the region for the past 100 years. Although they have a strong, ancient and well-established presence in the region, they nonetheless fell victim to the nationalist conflicts of the empires that ruled and governed them, as well as to the interests of colonial powers in the region.

Kurdish Forces Bolster Assad in Aleppo

Aleppo's rebel-controlled districts are now surrounded by the Syrian army and Shiite militias that support it. Having pursued just this objective since January 2014, when the Syrian regime began heavily bombing the city's eastern districts to drive out the civilian population, Assad and his allies can now claim a major victory. Russian air support proved decisive in the effort, crushing rebel defenses with a barrage of ordnance.

PKK asking for formation of “democratic bloc” in Turkey

The Executive Committee of the Workers’ Party of Kurdistan (PKK) has issued a written statement saying that the current political party of Turkey won’t bring a solution the needs of the country nor its democratization. The Committee emphasized the need for the organizations of radical democracy to form a bloc in order to democratize Turkey, avoid more coups and end with oppression and injustice.

Radicals around Erdogan call for war “against Crusaders”

The engineers of the project targeted President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for “ruining the game.” Since they know that the Turkish society's unifying, the uniting power will disappear and become open to the operation in his absence. They planned to first eliminate him and his cadres and then launch Turkey's destruction process.

Will Turkey be expelled from NATO?

Many analysts believe Turkey and NATO are on a collision course. One end of their argument hinges on the belief — apparently shared to an extent by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Turkish government — that the United States and NATO played a role in the unsuccessful coup attempt July 15.

Selahattin Demirtas opposing coup attempt in Turkey

Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-President Selahattin Demirtaş held a press conference in the HDP building in Amed on the coup attempt. Demirtaş stated that they...

Russia-Turkey: Dugin in Ankara

On the eve of the coup in Turkey, the Russian geopolitician and philosopher Alexander Dugin was in Ankara, where he gave a press conference. Among other things he said, he insisted that the same forces want the destruction of both Russia and Turkey and are threatening Turkish sovereingty. He said that President Erdogan understood now the situation and he added that the two countries are now inaugurating a new system of relations, not just

The Turkish Marine Le Pen

Meral Akşener relishes the idea that she frightens Turkey’s most powerful man. By  ZIA WEISE With a smirk, she lists headlines from pro-government newspapers painting her as a...