Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Leads US President Trump to War...
Can Generals James Mattis (US Secretary of Defense) and John Hyten (Head of US Strategic Command) Prevent a Disaster?
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and...
Worldwide Campaign: Freedom For Öcallan
Source: ALBA Movimientos
The Dawn News / October 12, 2017
The Kurdish question is related to Iraq, Iran, Syria and particularly Turkey. It is one of...
Kurdish leader Barzani resigns after independence vote backfires
By Raya Jalabi, Maher Chmaytelli
ERBIL/BAGHDAD Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani said he would give up his position as president on Nov....
Izvestia: Syrian Kurds to hold parliamentary elections in early 2018
The Federation of Northern Syria, also known as Western Kurdistan, plans to hold local elections by the end of this year, and a parliamentary...
Debka’s version on US-Russian understanding
Kurds win Syrian oil under secret US-Russian deal – prize for Raqqa
US-backed Syrian Kurdish militias reported Sunday, Oct. 22, the capture of Syria’s biggest...
Triple assassinat sans commanditaire apparent
par Jean-Paul Champseix
Le titre de l’ouvrage pourrait être celui d’un roman, inspiré d’Edgar Poe. Pourtant, l’affaire est bien réelle et l’enquête qui est menée...
Iraqi forces seize oil city Kirkuk from Kurds in bold advance
By Maher Chmaytelli, Mustafa Mahmoud
BAGHDAD/KIRKUK, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi government forces captured the major Kurdish-held oil city of Kirkuk on Monday, responding to a...
Damascus demands ‘immediate & unconditional’ pullout of Turkish troops from northwest...
Syria demands an immediate pullout of Turkish troops, whose deployment to Idlib province amounts to “flagrant aggression,” the Syrian Foreign Ministry said as quoted...
Les risques de la prolifération étatique, par Pascal Boniface
Pascal Boniface (@PascalBoniface), directeur de l’IRIS (www.iris-france.org), revient sur les référendums autour de l’autonomie du kurdistan irakien et de l’indépendance de la Catalogne.
If Washington Wants Syria’s Oil, It’s Going to Have to Fight...
US-backed SDF is trying to seize vital resources that are crucial to the Syria’s survival
By Mike Whitney
For more than six years, Syrians have made...