Monday, 10 March , 2025


L’après-impérialisme !

Par Bouthaïna Chaabane jeudi 25 janvier 2018, AVANT PROPOS I. Extrait du discours de fin de mandat du président des États-Unis, Dwight David Eisenhower  : «  Mais désormais, nous...

US escalates war for annexation of Syria

By Bill Van Auken 25 January 2018 In its first National Defense Strategy document issued in over a decade, the Pentagon this month bluntly declared that...

Who Lost Turkey?

"Who Lost Turkey?" - The U.S.-Kurdish Project In Syria Endangers NATO January 25, 2018 Back in the 1950s the U.S. political sphere was poisoned by a...

Turkish and US Forces Out of Syria Now!

January 21, 2018 Turkey today announced a military incursion  whose stated aim is to push back armed Kurdish forces along its southern border with Syria...

Syrian Kurds Force Turkish Army to Retreat From its Territory –...

During the fighting, the Syrian Kurds forced Turkish troops and Ankara-backed rebels to retreat from their territory, representative of the Syrian Kurdistan in Moscow,...

Syria: The Battle of Afrin

Syria - Turks Attack Afrin, U.S. Strategy Fails, Kurds Again Chose The Losing Side January 21, 2018 After negotiations between Russia/Syria and the Kurds of Afrin...

Turkish Warplanes Pound Kurds, Thousands of Syrian Rebels Bused to Border

Turkey Reports 108 Airstrikes Against Afrin District By Jason Ditz Posted on January 20, 2018 Following up on a flurry of Friday artillery strikes against Kurdish forces in...

Turkey’s troops cross over into Syria’s Afrin

21/1/2018 Turkey's prime minister says ground troops have crossed into the Syrian enclave of Afrin as part of an operation against Syrian Kurdish armed group...

Syria – Tillerson Announces Occupation Goals – Erdogan Makes Empty Threats

January 18, 2018 For a few days now Turkey has threatened to invade Afrin (Efrin), a Kurdish held canton in the north-west of Syria. Afrin (topographic)...