Monday, 10 March , 2025


Is Turkey Going It Alone in the Middle East?

By Jacob L. Shapiro March 1, 2018 Turkey and the United States are no strangers to disagreement. In recent years, Ankara has accused the U.S. of...

One Million Kurds in Danger

Syria's war of ethnic cleansing: Kurds threatened with beheading by Turkey's allies if they don't convert to extremism The Wars in Syria: In the final...

Netanyahu is in Deep Trouble, Assad is About to Make Strategic...

By Ekaterina Blinova 22.02.2018 Israel's resumed efforts to crack down on Iran could be fueled by Benjamin Netanyahu's looming bribery investigation, geopolitical analyst Gilbert Mercier told...

US moves to soothe Turkey, endangering ties with Kurdish allies

The Trump administration has told Turkey it will move to rein in Kurdish fighters that have been the backbone of the US campaign against...

A Lavrio, un camp d’exilé.e.s kurdes auto-géré

Mars 2, 2018 Un reportage effectué à Lavrio, à 60 km environ au sud-est d’Athènes, en décembre 2017, lors d’une longue halte dans un camp...

5 pays se seraient accordés sur le découpage du Proche-Orient lors...

28.02.2018 Tandis qu’une «réunion secrète» d’un groupe de cinq pays sur l’avenir de la région proche-orientale a été évoquée par certains médias, l’ex-ambassadeur turc à...

Assad in Afrin: Possible ramifications of Damascus’ deployment

By Paul Iddon 22/2/2018 On Tuesday, pro-Syrian government forces, also known as Syrian National Defense Forces (NDF), arrived in the Kurdish enclave of Afrin following calls...

Syria: The Tillerson ploy yields first results

Turkey denies reports Syria will help YPG in Afrin Turkey says reports Syrian army will aid Kurdish YPG in Afrin are false, adding such a...

Middle East: The unending War

'What We Are Seeing is the Collapse of the Attempt to Destroy Syria' 14.02.2018 Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that Israel would not accept any...

Instead of Turning East, Turkey is Going It Alone

By Nick Danforth February 13, 2018 Since Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in late 2002, there’s been talk about the...