Macron condemns Syria chemical attacks in call with Trump
Denunciation of Assad regime comes a day ahead of French-led emergency UN Security Council meeting on...
Defusing explosives and mines, as the White Helmets say they’ve done in Afrin, is normally performed by specialized military experts, not paramedic first-responders who...
Turkish President Erdogan accused Netanyahu for the massacre of Palestinians. Netanyahu answered nothing about the massacre, but he cited Turkish occupation of Northern Cyprus and...
By Daniel Bellamy
After more attacks on French soil by so-called Islamic State, President Macron may be contemplating sending more troops to northern Syria.
By Burak Bekdil
March 21, 2018
BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 777, March 21, 2018
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been the main...