Tuesday, 21 January , 2025


Greater Israel: an Ongoing Expansion Plan for the Middle East and...

by Ecaterina MAŢOI The recent picture of an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldier with a Greater Israel badge on the uniform provoked outrage in Arab...

Cretans demand “Justice” for the Nazi atrocities: Steinmeier apologizes in Greek

Oct 31, 2024 Difficult times for German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier during his visit to Kandanos on the island of Crete, a village bombed flat by...

How Crete changed the course of World War Two

The Cretan Resistance caused significant damage to German morale and is likely one of the reasons why Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union was...

Une guerre gréco-turque est-elle possible ? Ses implications potentielles pour l’UE,...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Jul18, 2020 Dans un article précédent, nous avons discuté de la décision d'Ankara de transformer Sainte-Sophie en mosquée dans le contexte stratégique plus...

Is a Greek – Turkish War possible? Its potential implications for...

Βy Dimitris Konstantakopoulos In a previous article we discussed the decision of Ankara to turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque in the wider and changing...

Ankara is not reading correctly the situation. A catastrophic war for...

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s adviser, Mesut Hakki, has directly threatened Greece with war if it reacts and protects its continental shelf if Ankara...

How the Battle of Crete Changed the Course of World War...

By Tasos Kokkinidis May 20, 2020 The Battle of Crete will remain forever in military history as the scene of the largest German airborne operation of World War II....

Turkey “eliminates” Greece’s Kastellorizo in effort to delineate its EEZ

December 2, 2019 Turkey escalates its provocations and inflammatory rhetoric towards Greece by claiming that Greek islands in the East Aegean Sea, in general, and...

Greeks Beware of a Silent Operation Mercury II

We publish below an extremely interesting and important article by Phil Butler.. We are not in position to confirm the veracity of the claims contained...